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Help us communicate better!
We have received feedback that we can improve our communication. For that, we have created a short survey that’ll help us understand you better. Thank you in advance for providing feedback.
Survey link: http://bit.ly/rosqlsurvey
Meeting on Saturday.
It is already announced, it will be this time on Zoom, we will have 30 minutes of networking, please be there!
Event link: https://www.meetup.com/RO-SQL/events/276414915/
We are a part of Azure Tech Groups
As the cloud has become a part of our life, we have joined the Azure Tech Groups to offer our members a chance to be a part of a large community of IT professionals and Developers that work with Microsoft Azure.
Message from Codecamp
@Codecamp 2021 is here!
Join the first conference of the year: @Codecamp_The One with Architecture, 24-25 February 2021 and meet George Fairbanks – Software Engineer at Google, James Coplien – Software Architect & Lean/Agile Consultant at Gertrud & Cope, Sonya Natanzon – Director & Software Engineer at Guardant Health, James Lewis – Technical Director at ThoughtWorks, and Kevlin Henney – Independent consultant, writer & trainer.
Keep an eye on their website. Full lineup and agenda soon!
Something Unusual: Krav Maga
A lot of IT guys (and girls) are spending their spare time (not so much unfortunately) by practicing sports or other hobbies. Some of them have chosen Krav Maga, a martial art.
Here is a part of the message received from their Meetup:
“New Year. New resolutions. New beginner classes. People from this group are practicing Krav Maga, the Israeli martial art of self defense. Not only it keep you in great shape, but also offers some technical knowledge that transform your body into a weapon for unpleasant situations.
Now is an opportunity that some beginner classes started: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 20.00-21.00. Also, we have another slot Tuesday and Thursday in the morning 8:00-9.30. The first lesson of Krav Maga, martial art for self-defense, is for free.”
Find out more about Krav Maga on https://meetup.com/Krav-Maga-martial-art-of-self-defense/
Vrem să comunicăm mai eficient!
Am primit sugestii de la voi legat de modul în care comunicăm și de posibilitatea de a optimiza acest lucru. Pentru asta am creat un formular cu 7 întrebări care să ne ajute.Vă mulțumim!
Survey link: http://bit.ly/rosqlsurvey
Eveniment Sâmbătă.
Am anunțat deja evenimentul, vom folosi de data aceasta Zoom, vom avea 30 de minute de socializare, ne vedem Sâmbătă!
Event link: https://www.meetup.com/RO-SQL/events/276414915/
Am aderat la Azure Tech Groups
Cum tehnologiile din Cloud fac parte din viața noastră de zi cu zi, am aderat la Azure Tech Groups pentru a mări expunerea la tehnologiile relevante pentru noi.
Mesaj de la Codecamp
@Codecamp Romania începe seria de evenimente online pe 24 februarie!
George Fairbanks – Software Engineer la Google, James Coplien – Software Architect & Lean/Agile Consultant la Gertrud & Cope, Sonya Natanzon – Director & Software Engineer la Guardant Health, James Lewis – Technical Director la ThoughtWorks și Kevlin Henney – Consultant, scriitor & trainer sunt o parte dintre speakerii care îți vor răspunde la întrebări la @Codecamp_The One with Architecture, 24-25 February 2021.
Fii cu ochii pe site-ul conferinței pentru agenda completă: https://codecamp.ro/architecture-conference-february.